June Run for Compassion 2023 Charity Event
Sun, 18 Jun
|Petaling Jaya

Time & Location
18 Jun 2023, 7:00 am – 12:00 pm
Petaling Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
About the event
Did you know that people with disabilities often struggle to find suitable housing outside of their homes? Imagine having to move more than 20 times before finding a place that suited your needs - this is the reality for many of our disabled friends.
At the Malaysia Independent Living Association for Disabled (MILAD), we believe that everyone deserves to live with dignity and pursue their dreams. That's why we've launched the MILAD Community Housing project - a crucial initiative aimed at providing a safe and supportive environment for people with disabilities to promote their independence.
But we can't do this alone - we need your help to make this vision a reality. That's why we're calling on you to join us for the "June Love Walk" charity run event on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at Dataran Boulevard MBPJ. Our goal is to raise RM500,000 to purchase the housing required for the Community Housing project.
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. By supporting the MILAD Community Housing project, you can help provide a place called "home" for our disabled friends, where they can receive the help and support they need to pursue their dreams.
To make a contribution, please find our bank details below:
Organization: Malaysia Independent Living Association for Disabled Bank: Maybank Account Number: 512231410368
Once you have made the donation, kindly send us the bank-in slip at info@miladmalaysia.org, so that we can issue a receipt to you for your records.
Let's work together to create a better future for people with disabilities. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at 019-3848440.
Thank you for your support and for joining us in this important cause!
• 增加公众对我们社区中残障人士所面临挑战的认识。
• 在参与者和更广泛的社区中培养同理心。
• 促进家庭爱和支持的重要性。
• 为MILAD社区房屋计划筹集资金。所筹集的资金将用于购买和装修一所房屋,作为残障人士的社区房屋,旨在提高他们的生活质量并促进更大的独立性。
大马残障自立协会 敬上
#MILAD #JuneRunForCompassion #CharityEvent #DisabilityAwareness #Compassion #Empathy #CommunitySupport #FamilyLove #Independence #Fundraising #MakeADifference #Donate #Sponsor
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